学術論文Development of spin-polarized transmission electron microscope(2011)
学術論文Development of a 500-kV photocathode DC gun for ERLs(2011)
学術論文4. Dark lifetime degradation of GaAs photo-cathode at higher temperature(2011)
研究発表Injection system of spin-polarized transmission microscopy(2011)
研究発表Development of spin-polarized and pulsed TEM (2011)
学術論文4. Pulsed spin-polarized electron source toward a transmission electron microscope(2010)
学術論文Single charge detection of an electron created by a photon in a g-factor engineered quantum dot(2010)
学術論文High-voltage testing of a 500-kV dc photocathode electron gun(2010)
学術論文Single electron spin resonance in a g-factor controlled semiconductor quantum dot(2010)
研究発表Superlattice photocathode development for low emittance(2010)
研究発表Pulsed spin-polarized electron source toward a transmission electron microscope (2010)
研究発表スピン偏極パルスTEM用電子源の特性評価 (2010)
学術論文High brightness and highly polarized electron beam for real-time measurement in SPLEEM(2009)
学術論文Development of a 500-kV photo-cathode DC gun for the ERL light sources in Japan(2009)
学術論文Real time magnetic imaging by spin-polarized low energy electron microscopy with highly spin-polarized and high brightness electron gun(2009)
学術論文High brightness and high polarization electron source using transmission photocathode with GaAs-GaAsP superlattice layers(2008)
学術論文Optical responses of quantum transport for single photo-electron detection(2008)
学術論文Electrical field control of trions in the structure for quantum media conversion(2008)
学術論文ESR measurements of quantum dot(2008)